Rakkhi is a celebration where a sister ties a traditional string around a brother's wrist. The brother then promises to protect the sister for his life time. Now you see it's celebrated every year on august by Asians and since my family is Asian (we come from a small country called Nepal)(It's just like the hindu and tibetian people and stuff around that area not the chinese and stuff.). We celebrate it as well. We used to celebrate it a lot in Nepal but ever since we came to Canada 3 years ago we haven't until now, that is. This is because we had no younger sister in Canada. Our 2 possibilities were either Jasmi my cousins sister in Nepal or Rimsha my dads brother's Daughter. Now Nepal is just under half way around the world so our only real choice was Rimsha who lived in the USA. They finaly came to Canada 1 and a 1/2 years ago. This year we finally celebrated and invited family friends to join in the fun. So I will post pictures and instead of just writing captions with facts I will go a little deeper.
Here the real celebration starts with Rimsha tying the cultural string around my wrist and then me retying it because it can be preeeeety hard to move around little fingers in a fashion that will double knot a pretty thick string. Especially if it's the first time trying to do it.
Here you can see that the photographer took the picture a little early. Well the picture below more than makes up for it.
Have you ever heard of the phrase " Million dollar smile " or the word "cute" what about the word " pretty"?
Well the photographer did it on time this time around but what's with the light effects? And it's like there is a dark cloud coming and you look up and see darth vaders invasion ship coming and then Hulk is like " HULK SMASH!!!!! " And people are like " Iron man did it again" I mean " sheesh! ". Oh, well back to the main topic. Nice picture eh?
The four ladies.
The actual ladies with Rimsha. The one at the top is my mom, Her on the right hand side is Reenu kaki, her on the left hand side is Chemma aunti and her at the bottom is Poonam antee. You know what they are all just extended family.
Family photo! Okay the next part is just going to be the names from left to right so skip ahead if you wish.
Nitesh Shrestha
Roshani Shrestha
Atul Shrestha
Chemma Shrestha
Nirvik Shrestha
Rajeep Shrestha
Poonam Shrestha
Reenu palikhe
Rimsha Shrestha/palikhe
Ritesh Shrestha
Here you can see the beggining of the celebration with my cousin Rimsha with a little help from her mom, Reenu kaki since she is only like 20 months old by putting on some tika(some red sometimes yellow powder mixed with water so it feels like chocolate pudding. It's usaully put on one's forehead and resembles peace, respect and love on me and my lil bro, Nirvik. Do you guys know hard it is for someone to get a two-year old to this? Apparently pretty easy if they wish to do it unless their will is so great it kind of takes control and acts like a sugar rush!
Here the real celebration starts with Rimsha tying the cultural string around my wrist and then me retying it because it can be preeeeety hard to move around little fingers in a fashion that will double knot a pretty thick string. Especially if it's the first time trying to do it.
Here you can see that the photographer took the picture a little early. Well the picture below more than makes up for it.
Have you ever heard of the phrase " Million dollar smile " or the word "cute" what about the word " pretty"?
Well the photographer did it on time this time around but what's with the light effects? And it's like there is a dark cloud coming and you look up and see darth vaders invasion ship coming and then Hulk is like " HULK SMASH!!!!! " And people are like " Iron man did it again" I mean " sheesh! ". Oh, well back to the main topic. Nice picture eh?
The four ladies.
The actual ladies with Rimsha. The one at the top is my mom, Her on the right hand side is Reenu kaki, her on the left hand side is Chemma aunti and her at the bottom is Poonam antee. You know what they are all just extended family.
Family photo! Okay the next part is just going to be the names from left to right so skip ahead if you wish.
Nitesh Shrestha
Roshani Shrestha
Atul Shrestha
Chemma Shrestha
Nirvik Shrestha
Rajeep Shrestha
Poonam Shrestha
Reenu palikhe
Rimsha Shrestha/palikhe
Ritesh Shrestha
A feast fit for a king, queen, prince, princess and all of royalty.
The end
Prepare for the ending you know the drill,
bye for now from a awesome house filled with thrill.
That's my blog read now and prepare to get tight!
ly stuck to the random blog. I seriously couldn't think of a something that rhymes. Please like, follow, comment and suscribe to my blog.