
Monday, July 29, 2013

Cedar Glen camp from a youngsters view part 20

July 26, 2013

Hey guys, today was another awesome day because it was theme day! And the theme was theee brucest thing ever ....drumroll please drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrd


So, everyone was excited of course and the first thing we did was a super fun activity called Superhero jeperdy! Yeah! That is the juice people I am pretty sure you know how to play jeperdy but these are the rules anyway:

  1. There are two or more groups.(In our case there were three because three counselors).
  2. So then there was a host (our counselor Rhinosorosoraus Rhino for short)
  3. Then there was a bunch of covered pictures on a piece of cardboard with a bunch of numbers on the bottom of each one saying how many points each one was worth.
  4. The highest number was 500 and the lowest number was 100 so the higher the number the harder the question.
  5. There were four categories 
  • Couples and sidekicks
  • Misalaneus or something which ment secret identity
  • Logos
  • Super villians
  1. Ignore this because it is supposed to say six
  2. Ignore this because it is supposed to say six
  3. Ignore this because it-sfjsdhfjs
  4. Who cares?
  5. Ironically the next one is 6 how lucky.
  6. And then the groups got to pick a category and a number( level of difficulty)
  7. If you got it right then the number underneath is the amount of points you got.
  8. And then the next groups turn.
  9. But if we got it wrong( which my group never did) it went to the next group.
  10. And at the end the group with the most points wins.
Here are a few of the questions that was there which I remember. If you are stumped then please ask in the comments.

  1. Name the incredibles and their superpowers. ( Adults may have a hard time but I would love to know of the superheroes of back in the day.).
  2. Who does this logo belong too Dont read just click
  3. Who is spidey's girlfriend like his real one?
  4. Who does this logo belong too? Dont read just click
  5. What is this villians name?Dont read just click:,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49967636%2Cd.aWc%2Cpv.xjs.s.en_US.9jgl75mduIg.O&fp=83efde2e5a457f37&biw=1241&bih=606&facrc=_&imgdii=_&
  6. Who plays iron man in iron man 3?
  7. Who is tony stark?
  8. What is Thor's weapon?
  9. Where is Thor from?
  10. Who is iron mans girlfriend?
  11. Who is this?ttps://
  12. What is batman's name?
  13. Who is batman's side kick?
  14. Which superhero family does the I symbol stand for?
  15. Who is the fastest superhero?
  16. Name the justice league and their superpowers.
  17. What is Violet in (show/movie) and what is her power?
  18. What does wolverine do?
  19. Who is the bad guy in despicable me 2?
  20. Who is having lots when you share this with the family?
Oh, and by the way I came to the spontonius save with some of the questions here. There were way more questions about every superhero on the sheet but I can't remember them all.

Sword fights!!!

Obstacle course
This is the activity I will be describing in high def today. So the obstacle course had simple rules. This is what  you must do.
  1. Spin around a hockey stick while looking down 10 times.
  2. This makes you dizzy which is bad when you have to cross a magma filled lake with mutant giant alligators while stepping on only a few rocks (grass and frisbees).
  3. If you touch the magma you have to come back to the beggining.
  4. Then you must take off a cape that they give you and put it on again then be on the run!
  5. If you survive then you must crawl across the ground like spiderman.
  6. Then you will reach the city where you will get a foot ball and aim it at a super villian about 5 feet away till you strike then you must run like flash to the beggining and give your superhero cape to the next person.
So it was really fun and this is how I did. Let me explain so slowly like two sentences for each second.

I spotted the person that had done the course before me. She was bounding back with her fast legs that were not really that fast. 3 seconds passed then four and then 5 seconds kept passing finally at the 8 second in that elegant grace through the grass she handed the cape to me.  I rushed forward grabbed it put it on and all that felt like the smallest fraction of the smallest second. I span around and around the hockey stick and finally I was ready to hop across the rocks like super bunny! But instead I almost fell and got eaten by the crocs but before I knew it it was time to get my inner spidey going. I crawled across the grass faster than I had ever crawled across grass( that is true since the last time I crawled across grass was very long ago.). But Just then I felt my cape slide across the back of neck that last moment when it brushed through my last few strands of hair. I felt lost because as a great guy said when he designed super man " What is a hero without a cape?" I turned back grabbed the all so important cape shoved it inside my shirt as elegantly as a warthog or even a arachnadanisroach which is not possible because I made it up and finally started crawling again. I reached the city at last only to find Gotham knight and Joker waiting for me. I looked down and threw my foot ball right at Joker. He must have tricked my eye because somehow I missed and I never miss except for about 97 percent of the time. I grabbed my ammo with my hands and threw the puny football at the Knight with hulks strenght and it hit! I ran back and handed off my cape to the next person.


We swam sheeeesh! I really don't now what to write unless you guys want to hear the same thing like every single time. I have no idea why I wrote this so big anyway I swam and played some ball.

At crafts we had to make superhero masks but in my country which is probably yours they are overrated.So, I made mine funny.

Yeah! This stuff is like thee juiciest juice of the juices its the king of the juicest juices.

Then we made some comics.

The last two pages should say and they all lived happily ever after.

Live young
Have fun
Sleep happy

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