
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Cedar Glen camp from a youngsters view part 8

July 10, 2013

Today was an awesome day! There was still the flood problem but it didn't really matter. Because well we had loads of fun on the higher camp ground. We first started the day by making some puppets then we had some fun in the grass and then we made our way to the pool.


In puppet making me had to make puppets. The end.

Just kidding so we had to pick one of these four choices: cow template, pig template, frog template and freestyle! So then we would be given our chosen template and then one of those brown paper lunchbags markers, crayons, scissors and glue. Then we had to get creative and this is the perfect example:

If you can't recognize the puppet it is a pig!

Dragon war or Dragon tail or something like that. This is a long title.

So in Dragon war or Dragon tail or something like that we had to be divided into teams of red and yellow. So we had tails to determine our origin and team. Then we had to make a plan on ways to steal the other teams tail. Our team decided to use teamwork and surround one person at a time with more than 2 people and watch each others backs or tails. We won 2 games of the two games that were played. I only died once in the first game and got 6 tails of in total!

Parachute games with a chicken and a ball. This is another long title

So in this game we had two teams and we both had parachutes. The objective of the game is to fling a chicken from your parachute to the other parachute. Then catch it when they threw it back. It was really hard and with the chicken our record was 1 throw in a row without it falling down. So, we tried with a tennis ball and got a much much better result of 2 in a row! Yeah!!! Go us!!! So it was hard and fun at the same time.

   Drop catch!

Drop catch is a fun game in which your brain and body have to work out. So there are counselors who will throw the ball at you. If the counselor says drop then you must catch and if the counselors say catch then you turn around and let it drop. It was really hard and challenging. And people started sitting down every other second at first. But then a\near the end when there were only the best left such as me it kept getting harder to see someone get out. When there were like 8 people left my time came. I caught the ball instead of  dropping it when I was told to catch.It was fun.


Okay so in spud you have a number. The counselor throws up a ball and calls a number. If that is your number then you catch the ball and shout "Spud!" While your'e doing so everyone else is running as far as possible. Then when you yell out they stop where they are. You have to take 3 steps or less and try to take aim at someone and hit someone. It was kind of boring for me but whatevs.


It was fun cannonballing and having fun with swim races and holding breath for longer underwater.

Live young, have fun and sleep Happy!

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