
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cedar Glen camp from a youngsters view part 11

July 15,2013

Hello! Today was an awesome day please do read on to find out why. Oh ... and by the way thank you for reading my previous blogs and future blogs I know that you won't stop. Read on!

Name activity and archery

So we started the day by finding our new counselors.We switch our counselors every week but I never wrote about it yet because it's not that important. So anyway after that we got with our travel groups ( other groups that we travel with for the week). Then we had a little hike before settling down and starting the activity. So, anyway you had to introduce yourself : " Hi! my name is Hardik" then it was 2 truths and a lie. So, 

  1. My favourite colour is orange
  2. I am good at rollerblading
  3. I had been to a total of 3 countries at the tender age of  8.
The answer will be reaveled soon.

So in archery I didn't come close to hitting the target. I hit the board about 5 centimetres away from the outer outer outest ring. That was my best shot! :(

High ropes.

So, for high ropes we did all aboard again because the other ones were still in pieces due to the flood. In all aboard you climb a wobbly log to the top where there is a 4 feet by 4 feet platform which is woblly because of the wind and the people beneath you. So when you get up there you wait for your partner then lean back as far from the middle as possible so that no one fell we had to hold wrists while leaning back.I got to the top leaned back and even jumped down like spider man!

After sweating like sweaty people we finally went swimming

At swimming we had the swim tests again. So, I took the deep end test where you have to swim 25 metres and tread water for a whole minute. I did the swimming easily but then came the dreaded treading. My first week at camp reminded me that this is what had failed me that first week. But then all the other days we did swimming reminded me of practicing to tread water and getting better at swimming. So I used that hope and courage built up inside of me and treaded. 30 seconds left.........15 seconds left my legs were aching...........10 seconds feels so hard.............5 seconds final treading mode!!!!

I made it! I got a green and I can swim in the deep end and dive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This day was amazing and I hope yours was too. 

Live young
Have fun 
Sleep happy

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