
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cedar Glen camp from a youngsters view part 21

July 29, 2013

Hey guys today was awesome because it was Monday! UGhhh just kidding Monday morning is thee unbruscest time of the week. But anyway this is what we did during the day: Archery, Gigaball and silent ball, High ropes!

So, the first thing we did on the non-brucey morning was archery.So, we started walking to archery and we were all following our counselor Lingo. But we were going the wrong way! So we all laughed cause of the mistake and everything was quite for the rest of the trip. Then when we finnally got there this is what happened:

  1. They Gi(the counselors) explained archery to us (the campers).
  2. Next we started at December and worked our way up.
  3. When we finally got to July I jumped up grabbed the ball um sorry bow took out an arrow with such a high level of presision even Hawkeye the master of aim would be proud.
  4. Well that is sort of true I got a blue which is just rings from Bullseye or about 1 feet in distance.
  5. My next arrow missed the rings and landed on the outer circle.
  6. I shot with my left and tottally unaced it!
Then after that we went and played some Gigaball and silent ball. Bye for now guys I will update this when I get back from karate at like 9 or 8 1/2 but it would take some time to write it any way so yeah!

Hey guys back from Karate and ready to continue my blog about monday. So any quick joke: " What do kung-fu masters drink? Wat-ya (play on water and like hitting noise the dragon warrior says.).


Gigaball is a fun game where the rules are very simple.

How To Play
1. Divide the children into groups of 6-10.
2. Ask each group to form a circle. Ask all children to stand with
their legs spread apart. There should be no space on the
ground between each child’s foot and the foot of the child
on either side .
3. Ask the children to clasp their hands in front of them, as
though their arms are an elephant’s trunk.
4. Place a ball in the centre of each circle.
5. Explain and demonstrate that:
• The goal of the game is to hit the ball the legs of
the other children – but also to protect  your own legs and stop the ball going through.
• The children can move around  their legs but use their
“elephant trunk” to hit the ball and to protect their

So it was very fun and since I am awesome I won twice was a finalist twice a semifinalist once and a quarterfinalist twice and we only played 8 times so ya, we I was pretty good.

Silent ball

So, today we played silent ball again and these are the rules

  • Leader counts down, “3, 2, 1, silent” and passes the ball to another person in the play area.
  • A player must sit down if:
    • S/he drops the ball.
    • S/he makes a bad pass.
    • They talk or make noise.
  • Play continues until only one person remains.
  • Last player standing gets to be first to throw the ball in the next round.
  • All players who were sitting may return to play at the start of a new round.
  • If game is progressing slowly, add a challenge by limiting time to throw, having all players spread out, asking everyone to keep one hand behind their back at all times and so on.
It was fun and because of my experties in silent ball I was really close to winning all the times that I actually played.

High ropes

 So we did all aboard and I did the unthinkable and- wait let me explain the rules first.In all aboard you climb a wobbly log to the top where there is a 4 feet by 4 feet platform which is woblly because of the wind and the people beneath you. So when you get up there you wait for your partner then lean back as far from the middle as possible so that no one fell we had to hold wrists while leaning back. I jumped, stood on a single foot and changed that foot and then I did a weird dance called the cheepy cheepy. Leaned back, hopped on a foot jiggled the platform... blablabla.


Hey today in swimming we had some swim tests and then we swam. First I took a shower and then I was the first one to cannonball in that day from my group and the water was coold! Like cold beyond imagining. It was so cold like totally cold. It was cold it was cold like juicy cold like how did I not freeze. If you didn't get my main message it is " The water is determined to be cold in scientific terminology according to any person in the world except those few hundred that swim with narwhals.

Live young

Have fun 

Sleep happy

Aqua is such a awesome colour 

infact I will write my next blog 

totally in Aqua.

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