
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cedar Glen camp from a youngster's view part 15

July 19,2013

  Hey, guys let me tell you about all the fun things we did on Friday which was our 3rd theme day. So, our theme was strong kids! Well this was easy for me due to the awsomely fun activities we did were both exsersising and fun.

Ninja game

So, in this game there is a ninja in the middle with a pool noodle and all the others form a circle around the ninja. Then the ninja goes around the circle the people in the circle have to try and get another pool noodle which is located at the centre of the circle. You must do this while the ninja is looking away or else their pool noodle while strike you and you will have to go to the edge of the circle and start over again. But if by chance you make it back to your spot without getting cut in half  and posess the other pool noddle.. You will have to battle the ninja and whoever gets hit first is most unlucky. However if you survive it will be your job to guard the sword in the middle. And the legendary battles continue.

Canoe building

So, in canoe building you build a canoe out of a limited very limited supply of tape and cardboard. So, our canoe didn't last long in water. The only canoe that actually floated was one covered with a garbage bag. That kept the water out and thus aloud it to float!


So, in swimming it was the usual swim, jump, dive, hold breath, 02swimming contest, touch the bottom.


So, I'm pretty sure we all know how to play tug of war. 2 sides pulling on a rope if a person crosses the middle line because of the sheer pull caused by the other side then you lose. Ring a bell?

Any way it was loads of fun. Have you ever tried  playing tug of war while it was raining ? Well me neither but if you have how was it? Oh and please do answer in the comments. By the way do you know how it feels when a water balloon explodes right on your thumb? Well, I do.

Kind of getting off topic but do you know how many wires a normal house has? Do you even know  how long the average millipede lives? Now last question do you remember when you told a friend the following 3 words : " I know everything!" ? 

Live young

Have fun

Sleep happy

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