
Friday, July 26, 2013

Cedar Glen camp from a youngsters view part 19

July, 25 , 2013

So today was a great day because instead of swimming we had a long cold walk in the stream which was very deeeeep! Hey guys, so this is the full version of my adventure on thursday. Oh, and from now on I will write in detail about one of the activities because of my dad's and mom's suggestion. It will make reading more fun for you instead of just reading about what I did everyday which is quite boring so if you are a newbie to my blog please start at number 19 instead of 1 because you may die of boredom before you reach number 10. Wait you can also make a quick stop at number 18 because of my fire story and maybe 16 or 17 for my rockclimbing song. Your choice.

So, any way now to our first activity of the day which I will talk about in eye-bursting detail. That sounds wrong, okay take two: So today I will write about the activity called bob-the-weasel keep it going in a roar of detail! Take three: na, just forget it.

Bob-the-weasel keep it going

So this is activity that will recieve so much detail. Lets try something new and write the first half in jot notes.

  • We were called by our three counselors and another one for bob-the- weasel
  • Their camp or fake names were........ Rhino who was our counselor
  • Sunny who was my counselor last week
  • And Pshye who was filling in for Phili because she was absent.
  • These are the rules for bob-the-weasel:

  1.    First all the players form a circle that is so tight that all shoulders should be touching each other. 
  2. Then they all put their hands behind their backs.
  3. One person is chosen to go to the middle.
  4. The person in the middle must close their eyes
  5. The counselor/adult passes a ball or another object of that size to a person in the circle.
  6. That person now has the weasel.
  7. Then the person must pass around the ball/weasel to the next person beside him/her.
  8. At any time the person in the middle may point at someone and guess.
  9. If he/she is right then the person who was holding the ball is in the middle.
  10. If he/she is wrong then the person who was pointed at just shows their hands for proof.
  11. If wrong then the circle starts chanting bob-the-weasel keep it going keep it going louder and louder.
  12. You can limit the number of guesses to make it harder.
  13. At anytime you may hold up the weasel (if you posses it) and the rest of the circle will chant I see the weasel.
  14. So, like then the person in the middle will know that the person with the weasel is somewhere behind him/her.
  15. Your shoulders must like utterly be touching each other so much that you must not be able move and must be crouded or else the person in the middle will be able to see the weasel.   
O.K that is enough jot notes for now. Any way let me talk about the game now I was infact chosen for the middle and because of my superb detective skills I was able to pick out the person with the weasel so then we kept on playing in the burning heat which was not burning or heaty to say.

Well, we did do low ropes but it was exactly the same thing as last time but instead this time on the balance beam my group balanced for 19 seconds.

Walk in the stream!

So, we finally went for that cold walk in the stream.

But first we had to put on rubber boots. Because there were many rocks and who knows what's down at the stream so we had to keep safe. After that we went for a long walk the water got deeper and  deeper as we went farther from our starting point! There were many logs and sticks in the way which sort of acted like dams to keep the water deeper in some parts and shallower in others. Then next we started to see some animal life. We saw a frog with poisonous skin and later on we found some water spiders breeding, or mating if you like in some murky water. We kept on walking and the water litterally came to my waist. So, much for our rubber boots. Then a girl screamed apparently a leach had gotten her arm! Well all the boys where excited while the girls were worried. But our great, strong and mighty leader the counselor named Rhino came to her rescue and used no more than 2 fingers. And that was pretty much all we did that is exciting.


I am pretty sure you guys have no idea what this is all about. Well its hard to explain so I got some pictures. 1 picture is the same as a thousand words.

So any way view that if you can't copy paste then write it out like the old people did.

View that and you will know how to atlatle. So any way I am pretty good at attlatting for a begginer and hope you will be too some day. Guys, you are awesome for reading this. 

Live young
have fun
sleep happy

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