
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cedar Glen camp from a youngsters view part 17

July 23,2013

So today was a great day first we played a fun game of animal survival then we went swimming later we did rock climbinG next we had some fun building possibly the best shelter that had ever been built.

Animal survival

First let me explain the rules of animal survival.

 There are 5 things that you can be, a herbivore (plant eater), a omnivore (a herbivore and plant eater), a carnivore (Meat eater), disease ( kills everything) and a natural disaster (kills everything) In the forest there are food and water stations at which herbivores and omnivores can stop at to collect a food/water stamp. You can not eat the animals at those stations. In a habitat there are the most amount of herbivores so each herbivore has 8 lives. In a habitat there are many omnivores so they had six lives and gained a life when they ate a herbivore. In a habitat there are few carnivores so they had three lives but gained lives when they feasted. In a habitat there are hardly any humans, diseases and natural disasters so there were only one of each . You had a keychain with poker chips on it. 1 chip = 1 life. When someone ate you you give up a poker chip. When you eat someone you must give them a 10 second headstart.

In my game I was a omnivore again and I finished with 8 extra lives which is better than most carnivores and better than all the other omnivores. I even found 10 food and water stamps so I was only 4 away from finishing.


At swimming we had a lot of fun and even more. The next time you go swimming time how long you can stay underwater( hold your breath) and see if you can beat my awesome record of 1 minute and 20 seconds. Don't lie and I think some of you will beat me because the older and bigger you are the more air you take in a breath and thus will last longer under water.

Rock climbing!

At rock climbing climbed up the hardest wall which was the one with the giant gaps at the end between the artificial rock. So when I got to the top I sung the little teapot song. I am a little teapot short and stout....

Then I went to another wall the third hardest and when I got to the top there I think I made it to the top 30 in time matters. But when I got to the top I sang this awesome song:

Once upon a time there was a bug
her name was mrs.lilifrog
now everyone knows that frogs eat bugs 
so everyone stayed away from her
then one day there was a grasshopper
he stopped by her house and said "Hi!, wassup?"
poor old mrs.lilifrog said I won't eat you how about a hug?
But just then a frog passed by 
he ate them both and said "Oh, well, bye,bye"

This song got me a double high five other than a normal "good job bud!"

Shelter building

I had a strong team of 6 and made the best shelter ever! We could fit 8 people inside and they would have perfect protection from rain and snow and even from some not to strong winds. That is how perfect it was! We had to use sticks found in the wild big and small and build a shelter. We started by putting a huge log in the middle of two pairs of trees. Then we used bark and leaves to protect our shelter and then we all sat inside totally protected from the bad of mother nature.

Live young

have fun

sleep happy

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